Business App Mobile


The most complete store locator software package available. MetaLocator allows for the feature-rich search, display and management of a list of persons, places things on your web site in a highly configurable and simple manner.
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How it works:

You provide the locations and we do the rest. Each location is automatically geocoded (assigned a latitude and longitude) using the address data provided.  You can extend each location with rich descriptions, including links, embedded video, social mediaany HTML needed.

Once you are satisfied with the feates and options, you deploy to your Web site by copying and pasting a single line of Javascript code.  It doesn’t matter where your Web site is hosted, what software you’re running, MetaLocator works with all Web sites.  You only need to do that once, manage your locations and settings completely from the Control Panel thereafter.

Our locator software has been refined over thousands of implementations in over 100 countries around the globe.  With each implementation we listen to our customer’s needs and enhance our software.  This practice has made MetaLocator the most feature rich locator package available on the Web.
A sample of our features include:

Features include:

Products of the same category (25)

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