Online Business Intelligence

SaaS Software Online Business Strategy by Anomalous Data analysis.


Accurate and reliable search engine ranking data and keyword insights.
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$49/Month - Small Business, $99/month - Pro, $450/month - Enterprise
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Track Results by Country, City,Postal Code

If your campaigns are targeting a given country, city,zip code, you need more than basic rank tracking. We can track your domains in every country and language offered by Google, Yahoo! and Bing.

Your Keywords, Now Provided

With our Now Provided reports, you can find new keyword targeting opportunities that went missing when "not provided" was rolled out for everyone. We combine data from various sources including our own rank tracking and Google Analytics to show you which keywords are driving traffic to each page on your site.

Track Your Competitors

Tracking your main competitors is critical to a successful SEO campaign. Add their domains and the same sets of keywordsyour own domain. Since one keyword only countsone keyword no matter how many domains you track it for in a given locale, there’s no reason not to keep an eye on the competition.

Schedule WeeklyMonthly Reporting

AuthorityLabs was created to save you time. Anyone who manually runs reports knows how tedious and time consuming it can be. Save yourself time by setting up automated data exports and receive weeklymonthly ranking reports that can easily be added into your reporting process.

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